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In partnership with Flatus CRM:

■ 27 July - 1 August 2021, Sion:

L. de Vinci fissure flute and recorder course

Introductory seminar on playing the Flute by L. de Vinci aimed at recorder players, musicians and singers from

12 years.

given by Anne Kirchmeier.  Instruments for sale .

pdf   Online registration


In partnership with the Flatus Festival:

■ data to be defined, Sion:

Presentation concert of the Flûte à fissures

given by Anne Casularo-Kirchmeier and Andrea Coen, with the participation of Madeleine Holm, the first student of this instrument at the Sion Conservatory.

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In partnership with AGIMUS -Italia:

■ date to be defined,  Discoteca di Stato, Rome

Palazzo Mattei di Giove, Via Michelagelo Caetani, 32, Rome

Concert "L'amor mi fa remirare" - Leonardo da Vinci e la musica - i l flauto “a crack” progettato da Leonardo.

Anne Kirchmeier, flauto to crack; Andrea Coen, clavicembalo

Musiche by J. Desprez,  F. Gaffurio, D. da Piacenza, B. Tromboncino

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In partnership with the Cantonal Conservatory of Valais:

  January - May 2021, Sion

Interdisciplinary creation workshop (music - theater - dance)  inspired by the aphorisms or by the paintings and sketches of Leonardo da Vinci   info

as part of the musical composition workshop of the Cantonal Conservatory .  contact:  

In partnership with the Cantonal Conservatory of Valais:

From September 2020:

Fissure Flute Teaching


Messiaen-Vinci montage.jpg
Gaffurio  Léonard_de_Vinci_-_Portrait_d'
Créations d'élèves réalisées lors de l'Atelier "Hommage à L. de Vinci 2019" du Conservatoire Cantonal du Valais.jpg


Ancre stage flute léonard
Ancre création

©2022  by ARCLV

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